Boundless Mutual Connection Through Art

featuring: Candy Colors Over Destruction

Actually, every work of art is part of a larger image.

300 Unique abstract paintings expressing detail of ruins, each vibrating their own autonomic story.

Together they depict a totally destroyed city of Homs, serving as a foundation for a conceptual art project.

The artwork is titled ‘Candy Colors over Destruction’, a tribute to the many children that died and fled.

The 300 works are distributed by issuance to 300 art lovers at various places and times, as an artistic approach of the refugee path, which is determined by the capriciousness of fate.

Does this lead to some sense of collectivity and joint responsibility, with its own dynamic?

Will this artwork ever be reunited?

Exchange of e-mail addresses and a short conversation is an essential part of this artistic experiment.

Intro - 30 paintings

copyright © 2020 
kenneth e. beeker (b’ker).
All rights reserved.